Hi, I'm Sanketh. I leverage psychology and data to design digital products that engage and delight users.

Hi, I'm Sanketh. I leverage psychology and data to design digital products that engage and delight users.

Hi, I'm Sanketh.

I leverage psychology and data to design digital products that engage and delight users.

6+ years scaling fintech at

6+ years scaling fintech at

6+ years scaling fintech at

Addressing dropoff points in the onboarding flow improved conversions benefitting both users and the business.

Addressing dropoff points in the onboarding flow improved conversions benefitting both users and the business.

Identified gap in the market for Pictionary gameplay app. Addressed pain points discovered with ethnographic research to create an engaging app experience.

Identified gap in the market for Pictionary gameplay app. Addressed pain points discovered with ethnographic research to create an engaging app experience.

Improved customer satisfaction by designing 2 new user flows that competitors did not offer.

Improved customer satisfaction by designing 2 new user flows that competitors did not offer.

Let's bring delightlful products to life

© Sanketh Shetty 2023

Let's bring delightlful products to life

© Sanketh Shetty 2023